Common acronyms used in the chapters
CALM | Department of Conservation and Land Management (WA state government) |
CRC | Community Recreation Council |
JFNP | John Forrest National Park |
JFSHS | John Forrest Senior High School |
LSD | Lands and Surveys Department |
MLTC | Mount Lawley Teachers College |
MWA | Metropolitan Water Authority |
NP | National Park |
OAWA | Orienteering Association of Western Australia |
OFA | Orienteering Federation of Australia (now Orienteering Australia (OA)) |
OSA | Orienteering Service Australia (firm selling orienteering materials and products) |
REDS | Regional Employment Development Scheme |
SPP | Somerville Pine Plantation |
Trim | Permanent course, now called 'Anytime Orienteering' |
UAAC | University Amateur Athletics Club (at UWA) |
VOA | Victorian Orienteering Association |
WAIT | Western Australian Institute of Technology (now Curtin University) |