Metro Series: 28th October 2017
A grey sky matched the spooky mood at the Halloween themed event at Lake Monger as the Metro Series kicked off the season. From games, spiders guarding the string course lollies to the pumpkins awarded to course winners it was a Happy Halloween by the lake.
Thanks to control collectors: Graeme Harris, Jack Dowling, Richard Begley, Debbie McKay, Shaun and Melinda Richards. Setterupper was Ricky Thackray with Packing up the Brownlies, Fletchers, Richards, Posts, Wayne Eliot, Daisy (Spooky) McCauley and everyone who helped Setter Natasha Sparg with the event.
From the pen of the setter ….
A dark cave, in the middle a boiling cauldron. Thunder (or at least a little rain). Enter the setter-witch.
Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Push bikes wobble
Runners rumble
This will make my day
Such an eventful play.
An Evil witch set this week's course complete with a nasty string course for the kids. Luckily most participants came through relatively unscathed, although a little bit damp.
O Well done! I commend your pains,
Everyone shall share in the gains,
Now about the cauldron sing,
Live elves and fairies in a ring!