Melene Reserve, Duncraig
The cool breeze set in this week, making for a very pleasant day of Orienteering at Event 9 of the MetrO Series in Duncraig. Roughly 75 participants dashed through the dead ends, making good use of the connecting paths, to visit many of the parks and schools in the area.
There were many different routes that could be taken and options were explored to find the shortest distance and fastest time. In the end Ken Post and Skylar Ashton won the short course. The medium course saw Nick Dale narrowly beating out Cedric Gross, and Liisa Hirvonen taking the women's race. The long course had Mark Lammers outrunning series leader Sten Claessens and Ceri Pass beating out series leader Rachel West.
Thank you to Melinda and Rosalie for looking after IT and Helen for doing the Newcomer Briefing. To Luan for helping set out controls and to Ceri and Kate for helping with pack up. Lastly thanks to Helen again for organising control collection and to the members of WOW for picking up the controls.
The results are in Eventor and some competitors' route choices can be seen on Livelox.
Current MetrO Series standings can be found in Eventor.
Photo: Finisher at Duncraig, by Sue Dowling.