Saturday 15th June 2013
The next Orienteering event is a NavDash at Shenton College, Shenton Park on Saturday, 15th June. The event will be held within the grounds of Shenton College in a small, compact area with complex features, such as the buildings and passages, and is also very suitable for beginners.
No previous orienteering experience is necessary, and members of the public are welcome at this event. There will be a briefing for beginners at approximately 1.30pm. More information for beginners is available at the NavDash page.
There will be two courses of approximately 2kms and 3 kms. Those who like more distance are welcome to do both courses!
Registration will be open from 1.00pm to 2.00pm, with start times from 1.30pm to 3.00pm.
Directions: Stubbs Terrace, Shenton College, Shenton Park. Parking in the staff car park off Stubbs Terrace, or on
Stubbs Terrace. The College is right opposite the Shenton Park train station.