Walliabup Skate Park, Bibra Lake
This might seem like deja vu, but it's not a re-run of 2021’s Bike at Bibra! We have new controls, an extended map and some excellent weather* to entice you. Come for a ride around Bibra Lake, North Lake and Murdoch, exploring back streets, bush reserves and maybe some of a uni campus.
This will be a two-hour (or whatever fraction of two hours you want to do!) score event, with controls worth different point values to add to your strategic route planning.
This event will be using MapRun, which you can install on your phone before the event; see the app store for Android and Apple. More information about MapRun is in the Information flyer.
Please make sure your phone is fully charged!
Entries: Pre-entry is available via Eventor. You will also be able to enter at the event.
Course: 2-hour score event with 70+ controls. Controls will be worth between 20 and 100 points based on their control number. Controls 20-29 are worth 20 points, 30-39 are worth 30 points and so on.
Start time: Mass start at 9:00am.
Course closes: 11:00am. Late finishers will be awarded bonus negative points!
1. A bicycle! An MTB is recommended, but road, hybrid and e-bikes will all be able to reach the majority of controls. Map boards will be available at the event. Also a helmet and a water bottle.
2. You’re also welcome to do this event on foot, if you’re in the mood for a long run.
3. Your mobile phone, with MapRun installed.
Parking: Park at the Walliabup Skate Park, on Bibra Drive in Bibra Lake.
More information is in Eventor, including the Information flyer.
Photo: Starting at Bibra Lake in 2021.
* - weather not guaranteed. ;-)