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Karrak Karnival, the 2014 Australian foot-Orienteering Championships carnival, was held in Western Australia from September 27th to October 5th, in the middle of WA’s famous wildflower season.
The carnival comprised nine events over the nine days.


Are results for each event are now available from Eventor as per the links provided.

W.A. Long Distance

Australian Middle Distance

Australian Sprint

Australian Schools Individual

Australian Schools Relay

Kocky"s Overture    

Kockies' Chorus

Australian Long Distance Championships      

Australian Relay Championships

Why was the name Karrak chosen?

From an Aboriginal legend ... Noongars believed that the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (FRTBC) acquired its red markings on the tail from black cockatoos with white markings on their tails White-tailed Black Cockatoos (WTBC). These WTBC were mistakenly attempting to defend a dingo which was attacking a willy wagtail. A swamp hen was feeding at the time on sedge, the roots of which exude a red sap. The swamp hen cut a reed and struck the WTBC across their backs. When the WTBC spread their tails to defend their backs, the swamphen threw lumps of red sap at their tails. The WTBC became so hoarse from screaming that they could only vocalise 'karrak' instead of 'wolah'.

(Paraphrased from My Dusky Friends by Ethel Hassell Priv. publ, East Fremantle 1975)

The logo showing the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo was designed by Daniel Schoknecht to whom we are most grateful.


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