The OWA 2024-25 MetrO season program is now available.

Upcoming events are listed below. We also offer an OWA Events Google calendar (with links to Eventor), which you can display alongside your other calendars (Google, Outlook etc). See instructions on how to import OWA Events Google Calendar to your calendar.

If you're not an OWA member, we'd love to see you at our events. You are encouraged to register and enter in Eventor; see instructions on registering for an Eventor account. You can register as a casual member on Eventor without joining OWA. See OWA membership pages for more information about Casual and Full membership.

Pre-entry via Eventor is the preferred option for all events.

The closing deadline for registration through Eventor will be the SATURDAY before the event. Entry on the Day will still be accepted. Please note that closing deadlines for Championship events are a week before the event as start times have to be allocated and published.

New to orienteering? If you haven't tried orienteering yet, see our Get Started pages, and check out this video created by Orienteering NSW. 

Day Date Event Organising club Discipline
Saturday 15-Feb-25 Metro 10 Attadale Orienteering WA Foot orienteering,
Park and street orienteering
Saturday 22-Feb-25 Albany - St Joseph's College Albany & Denmark Hinterland Orienteering Club Foot orienteering,
Park and street orienteering
Saturday 22-Feb-25 Summer Sprint 3 - Gosnells Orienteering WA Foot orienteering
Saturday 01-Mar-25 Albany - Great Southern Grammar Albany & Denmark Hinterland Orienteering Club Foot orienteering,
Park and street orienteering
Saturday 08-Mar-25 NOL 2a - Middle Dist. Malmalling SW Orienteering WA Foot orienteering
Saturday 08-Mar-25 NOL 2b - Sprint ECU Joondalup Orienteering WA Foot orienteering
Sunday 09-Mar-25 NOL 2c - Sprint ECU Mt Lawley Orienteering WA Foot orienteering
Sunday 09-Mar-25 NOL 2d - Two Person Sprint Relay - Murdoch Uni Orienteering WA Foot orienteering
Saturday 17-May-25 Albany - Yakamia Primary School Albany & Denmark Hinterland Orienteering Club Foot orienteering,
Park and street orienteering
Friday 05-Sep-25 Australian Mass Start MTBO Championships Orienteering WA Mountain bike orienteering
Saturday 06-Sep-25 Australian Middle MTBO Championships Orienteering WA Mountain bike orienteering
Saturday 06-Sep-25 Australian Sprint MTBO Championships Orienteering WA Mountain bike orienteering
Sunday 07-Sep-25 Australian Long MTBO Championships Orienteering WA Mountain bike orienteering

OWA Sponsors

Australian Sports Commission
Department of Local Government,Sport and Cultural Industries

Acknowledgement of country

Noongar country logo 2023 150pxNgalak kaaditj nidja Noongar Boodjar. Koora-Yeyi-Kalyakool.

Orienteering WA acknowledges the Noongar people, the Traditional and continuing Custodians of the land on which we gather to enjoy our sport, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.